True revelation can only come when we are under the Light.


The heat is undeniable.
Every night for the past three years I have carved out this one-hour healing ritual of bathing my body in two-hundred-and-sixty four super luminous LED lights.

 My chest, where the tumors reside, has always been my focus. But recently I’ve been laying the photon pad over my face.

This umbrella of light has become my sacred and uninterruptable worship space, void of visual stimulation other than a mysterious hue of purple that has recently begun appearing behind my closed eyes.

There is no tangible presence of this color. It’s the resulting entity of two forces, the collision of red and blue light. This purple has come to represent for me that “third energy” ignited from conversation between me and my God.

The space between light pad and face is a mere one inch—

I am fascinated by how much repair [how much healing] can be accomplished when we close the gaps—

The same is true of nearly every unsettled and unsettling aspects of our lives.


During this recent Light session a question arises from within: “How much space is there between my Knowing…and Doing,” And I am surprised how quickly the conviction comes.

The larger the chasm, the harder it is to progress.

 Isn’t it true that the angst we often experience as we go about our days comes more from the space between the conflict and the resolution than the actual discord itself?
This includes the conflicts we experience with others
but maybe more compelling, it encompasses the indecisions we wrestle with in ourselves.

It's rarely so much about what confounds us, as it is about what we know must be done yet still refuse to do—
Out of pride we fail to resolve misunderstandings,
From fear of an unexpected outcome, we delay taking necessary steps,
And we avoid the difficult confrontations, hoping the problem will evaporate.

In those crevices created between conflict and resolution, something insidious moves in—often something more dangerous and problematic than the origin of our discontent.

 Here’s the most extraordinary revelation from this Divine Tutorial under the lights—
My refusal to bring timely resolution not only damages me, but those in my circle, particularly those I dearly love.

What if God is waiting for me to make a move?
And what if that single step forward puts into motion a symphony of events that answer a thousand prayers including yours?

There has been much said about acting too quickly. But what of the possibility that we act too slow…
Too slow to say, “I’m sorry.”
Too slow to reconcile, choose, decide.

When we become obsessed with knowing all the details,
When we wait until every answer is made known,
We fail to capture the moments set before us,
And stifle the wisdom that comes from within.

The space we create between knowing and doing hinders our relationships, and changes the trajectory of our course in ways we may never know.

My disobedience to that still voice within, hinders my own progress, absolutely.
But what if it also hinders God’s greater work?
What could happen if we determined not to delay?
How would our power be magnified if we were obedient in the moments answers came?

Under the light.
I see the purple that is synchronicity of two things.
And I begin to understand that obedience is a burst of energy, an unstoppable force that comes when there is no gap.

Did you know that light is Energy that can impact our bodies in miraculous ways?
Light has many different wavelengths…some we can see through color. Some we cannot see.
Light can cause healing reactions in the smallest cells of our bodies… and that’s a really exciting thing.

I have said that I live in the land of woo woo. It’s a place I am extremely comfortable in. Mostly because my favorite alternative modalities work…and because therapies that were once originally considered “marginal” are now mainstream.

FACT: LED/RED LIGHT/INFRARED/PHOTON or Long Wave Length light has this amazing ability to penetrate multiple layers of our bodies and can change how our organs work.

Did you know that NASA, Stanford University, and Mayo Clinic all tout the clinically-proven benefits of Red Light Therapy? Influencers in the integrative and alternative medical arena speak of Photon Therapy as the single most important and beneficial healing therapy of our day.

Also known as Photon Light, this powerful healing technology stimulates and accelerates the body’s natural healing process, benefiting skin, muscles, bones, and joints.

There is no other form of energy that can target particular locations of our bodies like light.

For the past three years I have used this therapy every single night on my belly and chest to target the “inoperable” tumors wedged between my aorta and pancreas.

Of course, the healing properties relating to a cancer diagnosis cannot be disputed. But lately I have been intrigued about how this therapy can intensify my anti-aging regime [hence, the pad-over-my-face-routine]

Let’s start with the LED therapy benefits to the face:

Improves collagen production and density

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Increases blood flow and nourishment to delicate skin

Creates a surprising radiance and glow

Reduces acne and healing scarring

Heals skin conditions such as Dermatitis, Rosacea, and Psoriasis

What Light Therapy healing properties are available to the entire body?

Inhibits tumor growth [everyone should be concerned about cancer at this point in our human existence]

Improves oxygenation and blood flow

Balances hormones

Regulates sleep, mood, and even prohibits dementia

Improves muscle recovery and boosts celllular repair

Promotes mental clarity

Stimuates mitochondria [the powerhouse of cells] to promote regeneration and strengthen healing tissues

Accelerates wound healing

Supports lymphatic flow to remove toxins and waste products

Provides pain relief, soothes discomfort and provides overall well-being

Light can change the genes that the cells of our bodies express.


Lumen Light Therapy

This Photodynamic therapy utilizes clinical therapeutic grade, state-of-the-art technology, providing a complete and lasting resolution of many health issues.

My pad offers seven specific settings to promote multiple and specifically-targed levels of tissue healing and regeneration. The pad employs super-luminous light emitting diodes to produce photons at different wavelengths in the near and infrared visible red spectrums.

If you are interested in learning more about the variety of devices available for various uses on the market today, I highly recommend following:





And you really should be following Dr. Andrew Huberman’s podcast if you’re interested in everything science and health! hubermanlab.com

As always…

Much Love,


